A series by Maud Dahlem and Sylviane Bonvin-Pochstein with the collaboration of Isabelle Fougère
(in developement)
Six Native American communities from Brazil speak out to invite us to share their myths, rituals, skills and environment.
Both scientific and poetic, the series immerses us in a fictional story combining exclusive documentary videos and animations. In 6 10-minute episodes, she questions contemporary Amerindian issues: how to communicate to assert one’s rights, preserve one’s identity while evolving in a globalized world?
Since 2010, the Toulouse Museum has been involved with the Jabiru Prod association and the CNRS in collecting contemporary material and intangible productions from Native American communities in central Brazil. This fieldwork is based on the ethnographic investigation conducted around the actions of rehabilitation and heritage preservation developed by 6 indigenous societies of Brazilian Amazon: the Iny Karajà, the Api’awa Tapirape, the Yawalapiti, the Trumai, the Asurini of Xingu and the Mebengôkre Kayapo Gorotire. The Museum thus collaborates as an actor and mediator in the process of “heritage”. Developing this collaboration actively participates in the reflection on the constitution of the heritage of tomorrow with the “sachants” of these minorities.
In each episode, the real images are linked by a narrative universe that leaves room for the sensitive, poetry, surprises and mystery, while contextualizing each story. These animations allow for example to dive into Amerindian cosmology, to evoke rituals, or, through the irruption of fictional characters to highlight contemporary issues.
With the support of the Occitanie Region in participation with the CNC